Heading SiSL success in self-leadership


Success in Self-Leadership is designed to make a real difference in your life. You can expect a personalized holistic approach that empowers you to find your focus and keep your balance in all aspects of your life. 

With ongoing support from your accountability partner, our high-touch and high-impact method can provide you with practical tools and guidance to help you thrive. You can face challenges with confidence and resilience, and with metrics, your progress is measured.

  • Our Success in Self-Leadership program empowers students to take control of their academic success and personal growth.
  • Through a strength-based approach and accountability partnership, students will learn to achieve their full potential and find balance during their studies.
  • You’ll have a trusty accountability partner with whom you will connect weekly. Together, you’ll strategize for the upcoming week and reflect on what’s been working and what could use a tweak. 
  • Throughout the program, we will provide tools and guidance to stay on track and experience the benefits of a successful academic journey.

Cycle 1: Strengths in Self-Leadership

  • We will focus on our strength-based accountability method, your character strengths, and healthy self-leadership.
  • Our holistic approach encompasses all aspects of your life for a balanced path to success.

Cycle 2: Design Your Path

  • With a clear sense of purpose, you will embark on the second cycle and continue designing a roadmap towards your dreams.
  • You will learn effective goal-setting techniques and create personalized action plans that align with your strengths and values.
  • Our facilitators will provide invaluable insights and resources to help you navigate challenges, find your focus, and stay on track.

Cycle 3: Cultivate Resilience

  • During the third cycle, you will acquire skills to build resilience and improve your capacity to handle challenges.
  • You can strengthen your mental toughness by participating in exercises that will help you develop a positive mindset.
  • Additionally, you can learn how to turn setbacks into opportunities for personal development. 
  • As always, your facilitator will be available to provide consistent support and motivation as you progress through this journey.

Cycle 4: Thrive and Sustain

  • This cycle focuses on progress and growth in every area of your life.
  • You will reflect on your achievements, acknowledge significant milestones, and enhance your strategies for long-term success.
  • Establishing a self-determined and balanced work-life dynamic, including managing stress and fostering meaningful relationships.
  • With the ongoing support of your accountability partner, you can confront challenges with confidence and resilience.



When your subscription is current and active, you can purchase the following add-ons:

Semester Road Map. Map Out the Work.  When you’re overwhelmed and need support. Let’s work together to map out your semester’s workload.  $50 / 45-minutes

Coaching 1:1. Bridge the Gap. When you need focused attention to bridge the gap and get unstuck. $35 / 30 minutes. Bundle of 5 sessions $150

Vent Out 1:1. When You Need an Ear. A trusted confidant when you need to vent out to someone outside your circle of friends, family, or peers.$15/10 minutes. Bundle of 8 sessions $100

SiS Lounge. Online. Check in. Work. Check out. Check-in to share what you will focus your attention on. Focus your attention. Connect with your accountability partner to get unstuck if needed. Check out after 50 minutes. $10 / 50-minutes.

WORKINAR. Online. Inter-active. Learning-Focused. High Impact. High Touch. $19 / 20-minutes. Bundle of 10 $160.

Topics such as:
Time Management, Stress Handling, Conflict Resolution, Fear and Discomfort, Self-doubt (impostor phenomenon), People Pleasing Behavior, Smart Personal Finance,

Accountability, Self-Leadership and Self-Determination, Emotional Intelligence


Program Objective

  • As you progress through each cycle, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and continue to grow.
  • These cycles provide an excellent opportunity to reflect on and expand upon what you’ve learned.
  • Our Accountability Partners will work with you to identify areas where you can enhance your strengths and create tailored action plans that align with your goals.
  • By focusing on your strengths, practicing healthy self-leadership, and cultivating resilience, you can build a sustainable foundation for success in all areas of your life.
  • Your accountability partner will be there for you every step of the way, providing support and ensuring you stay on track toward achieving your desired outcome.

Strength-Based Accountability Partner

Success in Self-Leadership

Affordable Program with Flexible Payment Plan: 

We strive to simplify things for you.  The billing cycle is every 4 weeks and costs $75 for the entire cycle, which breaks down to $18.75 per week. If you choose to pay for 4 cycles in one payment, you will receive a discount and only pay $240 instead of $300.

Take charge of your commitment. Our subscription auto-renews every 4 weeks. You can cancel your subscription anytime by visiting your account page and canceling at least 3 days before your renewal date. There are no refunds, but you'll maintain access for the paid duration.

Right of Withdrawal: If you have not signed in or activated your account, you can cancel your purchase within 14 days.


Stop Procrastinating. Start Now.

Success in Self-Leadership

<small> 4-week billing cycle
$75/4 weeks
Full program = 4 x 4 weeks
  • Chat with Your Accountability Partner
  • Create Weekly Playbook & Focus Area
  • Mid-Week Update and Adjust
  • Connect During Office Hours
  • Well-Being Check-in
  • Measure Progress
  • Short Reads
  • ---- Add-On ----
  • Semester Roadmap
    Map Out the Work
  • SiS Lounge
    Check in. Work. Check out.
  • Coaching 1:1
    Bridge the Gap
  • Vent Out 1:1
    When You Need an Ear
  • Workinar
    Online Interactive, Learning-Focused

Accountability Partner. Facilitator.

Anja W Opdal

Concept Co-Creator
Accountability Partner

MSc Economics 2023
Major: Business Analysis and Performance Management
Minor: Strategy and Management

Anja captivates people with her solution-focused, creative and curious mindset, optimism, self-awareness, self-leadership, and grit capacity.

"I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to invest in oneself holistically. As someone who recently has completed a graduate degree and experienced the rigors of academic life firsthand, I can confidently say that taking care of your mental and physical well-being is crucial for achieving your goals. Academic demands and extracurricular activities make it easy to feel overwhelmed, consumed, and imbalanced. However, by prioritizing focus and balance and investing in myself, I was able to excel academically and personally. In light of this, I have co-created SiS, a program that aims to bring out the best in students by promoting healthy strength-based self-leadership. The program is designed to help you confidently and resiliently pursue your personal and academic goals." ~ Anja

With her Success in Self-Leadership concept, Anja facilitates a program to help others put plans into action and dreams into reality.

As someone who has traveled and experienced different cultures since a young age, Anja is a multifaceted individual and an expert at healthy time management; she loves the challenge of finding new ways to reach success while staying true to her values.

When partnering up with Anja for accountability purposes, you can be sure you’ll have someone on your side who exudes realistic optimism, knows how to inspire and help you work from your strengths, and can tell you when you're messing up. And who can help you get back on track.

Stop procrastinating. Start doing. Experience the power of strength-based accountability.

Success in Self-Leadership

<small> 4-week billing cycle
$75/4 weeks
Full program = 4 x 4 weeks
  • Chat with Your Accountability Partner
  • Create Weekly Playbook & Focus Area
  • Mid-Week Update and Adjust
  • Connect During Office Hours
  • Well-Being Check-in
  • Measure Progress
  • Short Reads
  • ---- Add-On ----
  • Semester Roadmap
    Map Out the Work
  • SiS Lounge
    Check in. Work. Check out.
  • Coaching 1:1
    Bridge the Gap
  • Vent Out 1:1
    When You Need an Ear
  • Workinar
    Online Interactive, Learning-Focused